Buckland School

Welcome to Kea for 2025

To our year 8s - Welcome back to Kea, we look forward to working with you this year, supporting you in your new leadership roles, and making sure you are ready and confident for the move to High School next year. I hope you have a wonderful final year at Buckland School, enjoy the privileges and responsibilities of being a year 8 and work hard!

To our year 7s - Welcome to Kea, we look forward to getting to know you all and working with you in your new role as senior students at Buckland School, supporting you to develop your leadership skills so that you can step up next year as year 8s. We also look forward to supporting you with your learning and personal growth in these very important Intermediate years so that when you do move on to High School in a couple of years you will feel well prepared and excited.

We're sure we will have a great year!

Mrs Goldsack & Mrs Wilson